At ReliSource, the health and safety of our employees are always our top priority. As such, ReliSource continues to diligently monitor developments related to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and evolving Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Even though we are currently not aware of any cases of COVID-19 at ReliSource and its vicinity, our primary priorities are the health and wellbeing of our organization. Therefore, we are doing all we can, to ensure that all of our employees and staff work from home and remain safe as this public health situation continues to evolve.

We understand this is a challenging time for us, but want to reassure you that we are often reminding our employees and staff to take preventive measures such as avoiding unnecessary travel, maintaining social distancing, washing hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or using hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol, coughing or sneezing onto their sleeve or preferably using a tissue and immediately discarding it and wearing masks when going outside and coming into contact with anyone. These are some basic measures that can help stop the spread of Coronavirus or even any flu or cold.

We will continue to monitor the latest Coronavirus updates and will make any changes necessary for the safety of our employees and staff.